Tuesday, August 31, 2010

#243/365--Sibling Rivalry

If you keep up with my blog, you recognize my refrigerator white board...it's the same one Mikey wrote a note on last week (or so) for me.  He also wrote a poem to me soon after.  Lauren decided it was her turn to write a note for me.  What's discouraging is her spelling.  The thing is...she does it on purpose.  That's the "thing" now.  And.  As a teacher...it frustrates the living daylights out of me.  But the note is the sweetest!  Well...I mean it's one of the two sweetest notes a mom can get... :)


  1. Agreed on all points. Focus on the sweet sentiment!!

  2. that has to make your WEEK / MONTH - no your lifetime :O) ~ allie
