Monday, September 13, 2010

#256/365--Dog Days

My doggie's dog days are numbered.  The older she gets, the worse her nervousness gets and  her weak excretory system is failing her.  I've used a crate before...but the crate I used may have been too big--and she clawed her toenails off when she was placed inside.  So I bought a new one.  This one has a "disc" inside of it that emits a "pheromone" --the same pheromone that a mommy dog emits to calm her puppies.  Apparently, a dog knows that scent their entire life.  This crate also came with a blanket that has lavender and chamomile scent on it. 
...and that's not all.  I also bought some calming treats which are also infused with chamomile and lavender AND tryptophan--for use when a known storm is coming--shoot the way things have been going I might just give her one daily--like a sort of valium/paxil for dogs.  On top of these things, I bought a special collar.  No, not a shock collar, although I was tempted, it's a collar that also contains the "mommy-pheromone" and lavender and chamomile.

My smoke alarms went off the other day when I lost power to indicate to me that they had lost their source of power--they are electrical.  I was at work. This freaked my dog out. 
Yes.  I am done with this dog.  I love her so much but one can only clean up so much pee and poop after one gets a little worn out over it.  If only urine and feces were the least of it...did I mention she tore my new blinds down again?  Or that she is scratching violently at the door frames--trying so hard to escape that she has rubbed her nose raw.
So.  I pray this works for her.  Our little precious Sandy.  We love her and want her to be well. 

1 comment:

  1. :( Poor girl... poor you. I can't believe they have all of that stuff for dogs! Who am I kidding... of course they do!
    Best of luck!!!
