Monday, October 11, 2010

#284/365--State Fair of Texas

3 Fletcher corndogs and 2 lemonades=$51 tickets or one arm

games on the midway=$40 credits or one leg

heart stopping fried foods=$24 tickets or another arm

450 calories--right out the window...worth it?  Nope.

my little man...winning prizes for me--priceless!

((But I still do NOT like the fair!!!))


  1. I think the carnival, will be the closest my kids get to the fair!!

  2. Yeah, that about sums it up! You look great-BTW!!!

  3. Well, it looks like y'all had fun! We thought about going but figured Sophia is too young to appreciate it.

  4. Fried snickers is worth the calories once a year!!!

  5. LOVED this blog of pictures!! I agree with allison - you are looking fabulous darling keep it up - stay away from the fried foods!! ;o)
