Monday, March 1, 2010

#60/365--Journaling--by Lauren

She's been working on this for a few weeks now. (Obviously, not everyday) She brought it in for me to read just now. It brought tears to my eyes. And my daughter isn't a "touchy-feely" person. So she doesn't get all "huggy" when she's upset or has had a bad day. She internalizes it. Oh, she'll cry. But won't talk about what's bugging her. Much like her mama; Apples don't fall far from their trees.

"This" is a story about Papaw (my dad). It reads more like a journal entry. I hope this becomes a habit for her--journaling. I journal frequently and it's such comfort to me to be able to write my thoughts out where no one looks at them. I can put them there, in my journal, tuck them away, and keep them between me and God. God and me. It's very.....cathartic.


  1. Unless your mom takes a picture and puts it on her blog... :)

    I didn't read it but the whole thing is very sweet!

  2. I did get her permission by the way.... :)

  3. Thanks for making me cry Lauren!!!
