Friday, March 26, 2010

#85/365--Franco Supreme

Mikey cooked dinner tonight after his baseball practice. He's been "cookin'" this up in his head since our "family meeting" on Sunday night. My kids both decided they'd like to try to cook at least one night/week (we'll see how that goes...). Mikey picked Fridays. He's been talking about going to shop for his ingredients ever since. He invented this himself. Yes, I let him experiment. Yes, I helped--but not much. Here's the picture:

He calls it "Franco Supreme." The ingredients are browned ground beef, refried beans, and jalopeno cornbread...mixed together on a plate....with cheese on top. Not bad...not bad...


  1. Good for him. Plus, anything with cheese on top can't be too bad!

  2. Wow! I am inspired, Mikey! and so m=nice for mommy to bet a cooking break!

  3. see - what an awesome mom!! I never learned to cook because I was always in the way in the kitchen... great way to start and letting him experiment is even better!!! way to go!! ~ Allie

  4. That is so cool! You are teaching him to be a great husband!
