Thursday, July 8, 2010

#189/365--Only an Asian Restaurant

As we were driving by, the name caught my eye.  At first I was like...wait...a....second....and then I did a search for nearby restaurants really quickly---and sure enough...there it was.  I sure wish I had turned around and taken a picture of the actual restaurant.  As you can imagine, all the funny things that you can say with a name like this were popping out of my mouth left and right.  Quickly, I had Lauren post it to my facebook.  I think I laughed about it for at least a good hour.  Lauren even posted it to her facebook.  And then.  The guilt hit.  Here I am as a parent, encouraging my children to use such a word...and yes, even though it's NOT THAT's still THAT word.  So, I apologized to my kids and we removed the picture from our facebooks. 
It's funny. an adult, appropriate setting.  (And I'm still laughing as I read the name of the restaurant...heehee.)
Lunch, anyone?


  1. Why "way?" That is my biggest question. They did it on purpose. I think Bart Simpson was a silent partner in the venture.

  2. I'm up for it!! Gosh Janelle, you're such a responsible parent. I'd still be giggling with Sophia about it. If she was old enough to understand it.
