Saturday, July 10, 2010


This is a stack of my journals from the past 5 years (excluding my current one--which is on my bed right now...).  I pulled them out to reread some of them.  It's amazing how the emotions and memories can come back in an see where I was, where I came from...where I am now, as a result.  I can't say how therapeutic journalling has been and still is for me.  Cathartic is the word, I believe.


  1. They are so color coordinated and pretty. Is it therapeutic to read them after some time has passed?

  2. It's funny. When I reread some of my journals, I don't even remember what I was talking about in some cases. Funny how trials and tribulations can seem so big at the time but when you look back, you can't even remember why you were upset.

  3. I love to do that sometimes..
