Tuesday, July 13, 2010

#194/365--No Way

Some friends and I tried to go eat at Pho King Way today--it's one of those places that you just have to see...but when we arrived, here's what we saw:

and so...we went to...

...which turned out to be pretty good...

Pretty funny.


  1. Nice! From noodles to tacos... was it hard to change over? Either way - they both make me hungry.
    I think I will go to Frapy's tomorrow and get me some F-ing goodness.

  2. It was yummy! Glad we found the new F word. Glad you got a ton of books at Half Price Books. I love that place!

  3. Seems like you just can't escape the f word! LOL!

  4. from pho to fuzzy - at least it wasn't fuzzy pho... LOL Allie
